Monday, October 19, 2009

so what. you words don't bother me. it never did.

10 days to our big 2 one.

We met up last wednesday. We had Swensen's for lunch yo! Awesome. He had beef baked rice and I had some sandwich. They weren't that bad and I personally think it's more worth it than eating at Pastamania. Cause one, drinks are free flow and two, the student meal comes with a soft drink! We paid like only 20plus. Well, he paid. I only paid the gst. haha. And we're planning to dine there this thursday hopefully. Can't wait to see you dear.

Anyway, last wednesday. We headed to Marina Square for Swensen's and then we bused to Hortpark to chill(ok not exactly chill cause it was so damn fucking hot) and snap pictures. Just enjoyed each other's company basically. There are pictures but the connection is being bitchy, like real bitchy. So imma skip the uploading of pictures part. Next time perhaps k?

So yeah yeah school's started. Won't elaborate. Blabla. School was... is never an interesting topic to talk about anyway.

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