Thursday, October 1, 2009

62 days....

to New Moon. Don't think I forget okay.

So today, B and I went to the gym like wayyyy early in the morning you won't believe it. I woke up at like 8. woahhh. Headed out at around 9ish and bused to the gym. I did like 20 mins of cycling and 20 mins of striding(? whadya call that thing?). And damn it my legs were jellying by the time ended the striding thing. B did weight lifts. Spend around more than an hour there and showered and all. Bused to JE and then bused again to town.

Lunched at Pastamania! B had Dory Baked Rice and I had Ham and Cheese Pasta or something like that? (I'll try to find a picture of it) And darn, the cheese crumbles! Oh my..... Haha we had a cheese overdose today! Cheese day! Lol. After lunch, we went to start walking around for something for me to buy. Muahaha. Oh, we found out that the Far East outlet has served more than 9 million of plates of pasta and that there are only 38 outlets around the world. Oh, just fyi FYI.
^ That's my meal, can't really tell how yummy it is from here. But oh well.
And below is B's meal.

We walked around the whole of Far East and I couldn't decide on what to get, you know. I initially wanted to find a blazer but found one costs like more than 30?! Anybody knows where to find cheaper ones? :/ I read Chic, most of the shops are from Far East but like I don't see what I see in the mags. So anyway, I decided to hunt for shoes. I wanted to get like something that I can wear casually and also on a formal occasion. I went to this shop(where I bought my shoes) like 3 times. I don't know what the salespersons will think of me. So in the end I bought this totally cute pair of heels, not so high ah I also cannot walk seh like that. And the shoes were like on 20% off! Totally awesome. Mine costs around 23 bucks after discount.

I wanted to get that pair, B didn't like. He suggested that pair, I didn't like. Haha. So you see now why I had to tour FE like siao. Like idiot sia seriously.

I: This one? *removes a heel from the rack
R: *shakes head and gives that uhhh-no-I-don't-think-so look

Another shop...
*Looks around.
R:This one nice what. *Shows me a sandal
I:*gives him the same reaction

Another shop...
I:What about this one?
R:You sure? *gives me the YOU-SURE-NOT look
I:Nice what :/ No meh?
R:Up to you but just think, is it easy to match with your clothes?
I:Ahhh okay fine *pouts and puts back the shoe in the rack

So anyway, that's my day for you. And Baby was really awesomely super duperly sweet to 'date' me out today. He headed home late these past few days and had to wake up early. Yet he still accompanied me and I love him :)

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