Monday, June 15, 2009

image heavy.

I'll be updating for the events that has happened this past couple weeks.

26.05.09 Huda's Concert.
Sarah tagged along! Drove over to RP for sissy's performance. This was like a must for me to watch cause it's once in a blue moon you get to see her do her thing 'live'. Yeah, and it was brilliant! Oh yeah, we went to Pasir Ris park after that to visit Uzma cause she was having her camp, lol that girl cried upon seeing us. (L).
& the band played Overture as one of the pieces, totally brought back memories okay, was totally humming to the tune.

11.06.09 Dinner @ Popeye's.
Baby specially planned this dinner with the cousins(excl. Sarahd, she was with ozzzie). We bussed to Peni cause he wanted to check out drumsticks and Ierfan was finding a pedal case. After that walked all the way to the flyer. Met Kakak and Mus there too. My tummy was seriously wasn't doing fine at all. It was still sickly. So I sadly only had like a piece of drumstick and a few fries, like 10?! I can even count it. While everybody else was digging deliciously into their hearty meals, I was just looking at them. Oh wells. Ierfan and Harisan was apparently 'taking some air' so they missed the bus the rest of us took. Alighted at Vivo to wait for them. Went inside to take in the aircon(cause it was fcking hot) only to have us window shopping. There was this Thai exhibition thingy and alot of things kinda caught our eyes. And so with Fan and Chan arriving at Vivo, we bused home. The night ended. Thank you baby for planning(:

12.06.09 Assignment Due.
Went back to school just to hand in my WebD assignment, baby was being a sweet thing to accompany me(: Handed in, went to see Sof but she wasn't in. Was about to leave the shopping arcade when I heard her, lol. Hugged, missed her much. Bused over to Bras Basah cause he wanted to buy more drumsticks, apparently he has alot of money now.
i fcking look like a dwarf standing next to him. i love my giant(L).

13.06.09 Girls Day Out.
Our initial plan was to stayover @ Orchid Country Club, 2D1N thing. Changed our plans for High Tea @ The Furama Hotel but all of a sudden Ayah was sadly called down for contact trace. Okay, his job is simple. He has to kinda track down those who have been in contact with those who are infected(with swine flu duh). So the rest the family went Vivo. We spent like a good 6 hours there. Lunched at Fig & Olive, yummmzzzz. Forgot what we did after that but I just remembered walking around and around and around and around, yeah you get it. Went to fetch from SGH and went home.

14.06.09 Family Day Out.
Went for religious class in the morning @ the mosque. After that went to Vivo, lol again whatthehell. We bought the tix which was selling damn bloody fast I swear. The moment we wanted to buy the 1625 tix, it was already selling fast. IT WASN'T BEFORE! So no choice but had to settle for 2nd row from the screen. Oh wellzxzx. Anyway, we dined at Secret Recipe. And again, we walked around and around and around. And when it was time for the movie, we bought choccies before going in. lol :D Oh, the movie was ballzzzz of fun! It was awesummmmzzzz! Had so much laughter, no wonder it was selling like hotcakes. Gave Ayah a surprise advanced Fathers' Day present, a back massager. He loves it(:

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