Monday, April 27, 2009

Every girl needs an Edward Cullen. Truth.

I've watched Twilight plenty of times. May sound crazy but, it is that addicitve once you've started and you will not ever stop I swear. And I've always wished I could be Bella Swan. Cause well, she has Edward Cullen beside her 24/7. No matter what, and even though their relationship is dangerous, real dangerous(not soon enough,hehe spoiler) but romance floats everywhere in this relationship. I'm on the final book now and I cannot wait for New Moon(!!), which will only be out in November. Baby promised me we'll watch it together, like he remembers haha. But anyway back to Bella and Edward. Their love is so strong and unexplainable. I swear. Every single time I read the lines, I'll visualise them in every move. IT feels so real. I simply CAN NOT wait for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn!! Omg, this is driving me nuts. How i wish I can drive the same enthusiasm into my studies and schoolwork. I LOVE THE TWILIGHT SAGA. AND THANK YOU STEPHENIE MEYER FOR THESE AWESOME BOOKS!

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