Saturday, March 14, 2009

Breakin' is what the heart is for.

So Baby Lyana is in town! After a such a long time, finally she's here. Went over to my aunt's place last thursday to play with her and all. Had a alot of fun. That girl is really mischievous. But she's caught the Indon bug. "APA INI?" Haha, that girl's so cute. At around 6 plus SarahD joined from her work. And around 8ish went home and brought lyana with us! Man, that girl is really active. Finally got hold of her and get her to go to bed like after 3 damn hours. Sent her back to my aunt's place the next morning.

Just had dinner at Ras Istimewa and I'll prolly won't ever eat there ever. Okay, drink specifically. Here's why. Danyya and I couldn't finish up our drinks and so we requested for them to pack our drinks. Apparently the lady who was working at the drinks section has difficulty hearing! Instead of packing our drinks, I saw her putting them in the contaminated sink! My God, and seeing us standing there in AWE, she was like "yes? can i help you?" I tell you, at that moment I felt like giving her a tight slap. Like whatthefuck dude, you just wasted my delicious mango juice, mind you the drinks they made are yummy. So we told her, no actually my sister did. I was too UGHHH to face her, haha. My sister told her we actually want them packed, and guess what she did? She took out the cups from the damn sink and packed our drinks. OMG and not only that, she was doing that in front of her customers AND that was when she already washed her hands into the sink and stacking our cups! Like seriously man, HYGIENE. Omg, seriously. disgusted to the maxxx.

I've downloaded the new msn, its' cool. Haha I love it. And Baby has a laptop finally! I can webcam him every now and then and talk to him more easliy. Yeay yeay(: He's now lying on the sofa at home, sickkkk. Take care dear (L).

Anyway, met up Sof yesterday to chill at Tully's. No wonder she wanna go there, her bf's working there yesterday. Jo's sister was there too. Haha, she's a huge fan of Hady, adorable. She took pics of herself for her FB. Met up with sof at around 3ish, and we hung till 5plus. I watched Sydney White and we had muffins and chocolate shakes, yumm. I miss the blueberry muffin noww. I miss Sof already. AND KEL! Damn you, we were supposed to meet yesterday. Make sure next week ah! XOXO.

ya whatever, i had a haircut.

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