Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Baby's day out. Har har har.

Kay, so on last Thursday Baby and I finally went out(: Initial plan was to go for a chill sesh over at Marina Barrage. But plan cancelled. Haha I've no idea why. Guess we were like totally unprepared and Marina Barrage was like kinda not convinient. So we scrapped the idea, most prolly heading there some other day.

So we took a bus to Marina Square and had lunch there. Had LJS cause he was like craving. After that we walked around, and he was kinda astonished to know that there was a Fourskin outlet there. We kinda toured around MS. And I suddenly had the urge to munch on my yummy cinnamon melts. But sadly Macdees don't sell them anymore. Tell me how sad I am now. Baby bought choc milkshake. Bused home after that.

HAHA GUESS WHAT! WE SPAMMED JAKE AGAIN :D Man, this boy knows how to camwhore lor. Best (Y).


Baby has high fever all of a sudden! Gosh, so worried know, His temperature was like 38 point something something .. And it's about time he visited the doctor. He got himself 3 days MC. Lol. Take care baby. He rarely gets sick one kay. So was kinda slightly taken aback when he told me about his skyscraper temperature. Get well soon! (L)

You're beautiful, every little piece love.

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