Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I love Stephenie Meyer. (L)

I really really should hold myself down. Nuff about the New Moon craze..... No la, cannot. I just cannot get over it! Oh gosh, just saying those two words made my heart jump with joy. Man, 20th November.. hmmm, 238 more days! Omg stop it, Izyan. Imagine the other me talking to me.

Izyan: OMG I CANNOT WAIT FOR NEW MOON. omg omg omg ....
*repeatly for like so many days*
Other self: -________-
Izyan: new moon new moon new moon new moon new moon. Robert Pattinson!!! Ahhhhhh!
Other self: Stop it Izyan! *slaps me hard in the face*

kay, not funny.

Oh yeah, I tweeted that Robert Pattinson appeared in my dream last night, hehehe. Omg he is so darn freaking hot!!! He has like 4 pairs of absszxzxzxzzx! STOKED. Kay, a girl can dream, can she? Twitter is fucking addictive. I fucking dig it.

Oh oh, and I also cannot for MVA on the 12th June! Kinda watched a bit here and there from MTV, they have the whole show but I wanna watch it solidddddd. dangit AND SORRY FOR BEING A TOTAL BITCHY SPOILER BUT SO DAMN STOKED TWILIGHT WON THE BEST MOVIE! CHEEEEEEEERS! Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, Taylor Lautner, Ashley(sp) Greene,....ummm 'Emmet', 'Esme', 'Carlisle', 'Angela' and 'James' were there, I think. Hope didn't miss out anybody. Lol.

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