Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day out with love.

No school today, so I met up with baby after his school to catch a movie, it's been long since we've caught one. We caught The Uninvited, it was alright la. There was like a huge lump of twist in the story. But overall was okay. Tix were on me. I don't know why just wanted to pay, haha. Weeeiiiirrrrrrrrrrd. Oh, saw Shahidatul @ Pastamania. Baby, we must try it some day kay? And Ramen Ten too! So we initially planned to meet at like 12plus in 97 since it's easy for him since his school is like walking distance to clem. But i woke up late and had to do chores(wash 2 loads of clothes and hang them!) before going out. So I told him to meet in the bus at around 1plus instead, and so he can go home first to put his stuff first or whatever la. And this boy thought we are still taking 97 to vivo -.- Like okay, common sense baby, I've already told you my concession has ended and since we have a straight bus from home, why go all the way right? So I was waiting for 143 to vivo while he was waiting for 143 to JE, total -.- kay. Just as he boarded the bus, I also did. Was about to text him when he said he was already in the bus. I was like what the hell are you talking about? Haha, so both of us alighted and he walked to the CC to meet me. Oh wells, the day didn't start good and he was blabbering about his finger or whatever shiat, when I told him it annoyed me. I very pms-ish today, dont know why.

Woahhhhzxzx what a long description, and that was only the first part of the day.

So we bought the tix first, only the first 4 rows from the back were occupied la, like is the movie that bad? Dined in at KFC after that, coupons are so loved. Ate and went to see for watches, I want anew one. My current one died. Nothing attracted my eyes, went to Giordano after that. Wanted to buy the same shirts as baby so that we can matchy matchy, lol. But don't have, so skipped. Went to Diva next! haha there was like 3 racks full of on-sale stuff! 9 bucks and below haha, cool shit. I bought a bangle, love it, lovin it. Watched the movie and bused back home(:

8 more days. (L)

Piccies time!

Dont know why my hair sucky to the max today.

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