Monday, April 6, 2009

Yesterday was a blast with the parents. We went shopping and they wanted to buy literally almost anything me Uzma and I asked for. Heh heh. Met up with the parents at vivo in the afternooon cause they had an appointment in the morning. There was a fashion show held at vivo yesterday, tried to ring Kel but his mobile was off-ed. I know if I tell him these kind of things he'll scream for joy. Lunched over at BK. AND. OH.MAN. The new burger's like totally not a special. You know they made it sound as if it'll taste so good... crunchy, topsy turvy, yada yada... But wth, it's totally like a normal burger la. After that roamed about in Toy's R Us. Had a ball of laughter man. Spent quite a long time in there. The parents decided to spoil my sister and bought uzma this Air Drum thingy, haha yeah the vid i know.

After that walked around more, Ibu wanted to catch Knowing so badly so we checked out the timings, but the 1615 show is sold out and the next show is only at like 2400. Crazy, so we skipped the movies and went to F21 to check out the beanie! But when Ibu sw she went like "Izyan! Don't buy! I can make/sew for you, so easy. Haiyo".... and she goes on and on rambling why I shouldn't waste 14 buckeroos on it cause she can simply sew it for me. HEHE:D Didn't really remember where we headed after that but we did spend quite a long time in that shopping mall. Bought a number of things too, haha.

KRSB's SYF is tomorrow! Dang, with all the HFMD thingy spreading like fuck, I really reallu hope they'll pull through this one last phase. Come on my juniors you can do it(: ALL THE BEST FOR TOMORROW! My love for that band is not dead yet okay. I was hoping to drop by to see how they were cause initially bsp was asking around for help on the 6th(that was like weeks ago), and of course I agreed. But when it comes to the day itself, things weren't confirmed. So I didn't get to pay them a visit :( But anyways, I really hope they'll make it! (L)

Beach with baby on wednesday! YEAY:D Last week's plans were cancelled due to the weather I think? But I hope the weather will be better on wednesday. AFter that heading for muuveeee @ the new Bugis Mall(forgot what it's called though). Hope everything will turn out just as planned(:

Oh, and kakak's graduation's tomorrow. :D I miss taking photos with Jakey, hehe. Oh, and I was really curious and I just wanted to check. So checked the price for the fisheye and it costs around $1199. DANG. I hope I'll be able to save money, heh heh.

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