Monday, April 13, 2009

So much to update but so little time. Haha no, I do have time in my hands. Just chose not to spend it wisely. *slaps self* So the past few days was alright. About the beanie I was talking about, it's done! Haha I think much nicer than the ones on the shelves waiting to be bought. Thanks alot Ibu!

Anyway, we had a blast during the High Tea over @ Tiffany Cafe. It's at the Furama Hotel. It's affordable, it's nice and yummy of course, and there wasn't many people! Best!

kakak has alot of confidence in driving alr, she has been driving the fam arnd.

yummy yummy yummy~

#1:My food,damn the buttered prawns! DROOLS. #2:Delicious raw fish and sotong!
#3:Haha, step artistic picture. #4:This cute thingy from the cold dish.(baby sotong)

& dared Danyya to use it as a pacifier! HAHA.
mini Uzma galore.

in the middle on eatings, haha. eatings? such word?
shut up.

haha, retarded moments.

Ibu feeling feeling superstar, everybody wanna take pic with her what!

After the filling lunch/dinner, we drove over to Plaza Singapura to pay Spotlight a visit! We bought quite a handful of stuff and set our eyes on a few things too! Can't wait for another revampation of this room! Wooo! Gonna head down to Spotlight and get alot alot of nice pretty pretty things! Spent quite a while there, and lastly off to pay Atok a visit!(: Been a long time since we've seen him. He's still the same old same old. My favourite old person ever. AND NOPE, THE NIGHT DIDN'T END THERE FOR ME AND KAKAK! We had a sleepover(an accidental one) at Sarahd's. Haha, Kakak drove us to Macs since the boys(esp ierfan) wanted so much to go out dk why. Bought back and laughed like horses. We had a fun time cathing up, gossiping and watching movies till 4am in the morning! More more more:D Headed home early in the morning at like 8ish the next day.


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