Sunday, March 8, 2009

Let's just play pretend that nothing ever happened. I'm having enough. Sometimes I just have to lose. Past week has been fun for me. Spent time with loved ones, of course.

Monday me, sof and kakak went for the job interview @ Kids Art over at Bukit Timah Plaza, filled in our application forms and were introduced to the various jobscopes and place. Bet work's gonna be fun with all those little kiddies. We signed up for the Party Assistant job. But also for the Art teacher one. Haha, i know right art teacher? Must be kidding me siol. I'm kidding myself. But anyway, the pay's good and place and people are all good. After that, went over to IMM to meet Sarah, Bobo and his beloved wife, Aishah. Shopped around at Daiso, that girl just loves Daiso so much I tell you. After spending like what 2 damn bloody hours in that store, trained to Orchard. Went over to Wisma and apparently we lost them, like 3 fucking times, haha. Walked to Far East after that and shopped more. And at 8ish cabbed home, hoho. Soend money like as if they grow on trees man.

On Tuesday and Wednesday rotted at home, spending time watching movies. Alot alot of movie, comedy movies haha. I've caught Confessions of A Shopaholic! :D nice movie, a must watch. But I didn't really understandbut whatever it's a nice movie anyway.

On Thursday, met up with the clique(except for gay:/) for movie! Trained to Somerset and caught Let the Right One In. The movie was about this vampire, and blablabla. It was so-so. haha but very funny got some parts of the movie(NC16). Most importantly was the company, was nice to meet them after quite a long while. Baby fetched me home! (L)

Skipped Sam's place on Friday, sorry man! :/ (wasn't feeling well and suspected of the virus lurking within my family,will talk about this later)

On Saturday, went out with Sarah and Kakak for a short while to WCPlaza. Bought hair dye :D Gonna dye my hair soon(again. my hair's dying literally seh-.-) yeay! Sarah came to our house and had a ball of time! Laughed here and there like nobody's business man I tell you, but obviously we don't care.

And today, went for the drawing session for the Teacher job. haha, seriously my drawing sucks to the very max seh. But then again, I think I did a pretty good job though. And anyway I don't intend to take up that job. I want the Party Assistant job more! After that met Baby(yeay lovelove) and trained Bugis and lunched at LJS, met Mus too. After eating, there was like an hour more to go before they go for jamming. So me and Baby walked around Bugis Junction aimlessly, lol. 7 o'clock came and we went our separate ways. Meeting Baby again tomorrow! yeay, reservoir. HTHT(:

oh, about the virus thing, it has been spreading like FUCK. it was originally from Jawahir, then it spreaded to my cousin and got her hospitalised. So now the whole family is infected, so is my aunt and her family, my grandpa, and now me and my younger sister is suspected of it. We're having flu and diarrhea. Very kinda serious ones. This viral thingy is airborn and is highly contagious! I tell you, it spreads like FUCK. So people, to be safe, I think you better stay away.

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