Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I'm back baby!
So anyway, Studio Project's done and over with! So is the portfolio, presentation this coming friday. Day out with baby after that! Movieeeeee, it's been awhile since we've watched a movie together, bakeddd riceeee baby:D
Now that school is done, waiting for the results is a killer. and especially to know which specialisation i'll be posted to. IM IM IM IM IM please. Dear God, please let help me through this. IM please IM!
Alot has been happening during my absence be it bad or good. The most recent one was my relatives from Aussie finally flew down! So happy to see them(: and of course the happy newly weds too. hoho. They're currently out to Malacca for a short triop should be back at night. Another was this Family Day @ St James! We had a hell fun i tell you, it was organised by my dad's company- HPB. (i'll post up pictures of this event)
Like everyone has been saying, the weather has been really cooling these days. yes yes yes, it has. Super duper nice weather to just curl up in my blankie and nap the day away~ &&&& NOW THAT THE HOLIDAYS ARE HERE,DATE ME OUT KAY(: I super miss Sofya and Haikel please. Suppose to meet Sof yesterday bt then ahhh this girl tired so nvm another day.
And like finally i'm gonna change my handphone. I've cleared out everything inside just waiting to sell it off. Hope it's a good price, it's still with warranty! kay i dont know why but my blogging mojo is not there already. i need to update more and maybe things will get back.

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