Tuesday, September 29, 2009

20th <3

Finally I'm updating this thing. So okay, it's the holidays now and three more weeks to school?! wtf. Anyway, no school talk. Savour what we have now. Ahh why did I even bring it up in the first place. Ok, screw me.

Hah, so I kept saying I wanted to get a job during this holiday right. But look how much time I've wasted so far.

Anyway, my main purpose of blogging is because I want to and I certainly do not want to lose the blog mojo, like you know some people have blogs but they rarely update. like even after 2 years? Ha, yeah. Another purpose was of course to let you all in the updates going on for the past few weeks I've not blogged. Of course I had so many things going on and obviously I cannot remember every single one of 'em. But I'll recall the more prominent ones.

Hari Raya 2009 is a dull. I don't know. I think it's just me, but it feels as if raya is over? Do you feel it too? And to think only one week has gone by. Psshhhh. But anyway, I had fun seeing all my relatives(and of course collecting the moolahs!). Celebrating Hari Raya has always been a joy to me, well the first few days that is. I'm still looking forward to Jalan Raya with my friends, will prolly plan it with Sof when she's back in SG i guess.

Today's our 20th Monthsary and I don't even get to go out with him. Cause well, he has a 4n4(woah 2 years ago class) class gathering. But nevermind, I still hope he enjoys himself and that I never left his mind. But seriously, during this holiday so far, we've only been on two dates. Yeah. Two. And the most recent one was a week ago i think?

We went to Vivo(always and forever) and had lunch. Our initial plan was to go to Henderson's Wave cause I've yet to bring him there and we just kept procrastinating. So we had lunch at KFC. Haha, why KFC? Cause I also don't know why. I think cause it's been ages since we ate there. And after that, we walked around Vivo and I fell into a huge dilemma. "So drama", like Haikel always says.

Stopped by Diva and there was this really pretty bracelet I wanted to get. But he kept telling me to like choose wisely and stuff like that.(you know, money talk) And in the end I didn't get it. Bummer kay. But I bought a top from Pull and Bear to make it up, hehe. And the poor bracelet didn't leave my mind at all. Still saddened.

Anyway, after walking around like idiots we went to get ourselves a notebook and a pen from Minitoons. Haha. Which costs like 4 bucks in total. The purpose of the pen and notebook was to jot down places to go/things to do that kinda stuff that we always say but never done them. So we sat down at a quiet spot in Vivo and listed down all the things we wanted to do together and all the places we wanted to go together. So cute, eh? Hehe I love you boyf.

I think that's enough words to bore your eyes for now right? I will try to upload pictures when I'm done uploading 'em from Jake. Have a happy Tuesday everybody! :)

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